IT consultancy specialising in:

* Database development.
* Website development & Content management administration.
* System planning, development and documentation.
* Hardware procurement.
* Small business and home networking.
* Server/ hosting administration.
* Off-site data backup.
* Training session development & delivery.
* IT support and advice including:
	* On-site/at home IT support.


On-site & at home support
- First hour £60.
- Subsequent hours £50.
- Minimum 1.5 hour booking.
- Price negotiable for 4+ hours.

Maintenance contracts
- Remote support From £50 per month.
- On site support from £150 per month.
  - Unused hours roll over for 3 months.
  - Additional hours charge
    - Remote £20ph
    - On-site £45ph
- Maintenance contracts include 50gb back up storage 
  - Additional storage available: 
    - £1p/m for 200gb
    - £2.50p/m for 1tb

Other services priced on request.
Contact - Email: Alan@Darbin.co.uk, Mobile: 07495 597261

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